Thursday, September 30, 2010

supporting theseis

he supports it by showing a slaughter of many kids in a school shooting. he shows this by showing many clip of kids and other people with weapons.

bowling for columbine

to show that to many people have easy acess to weapons and ammo

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I’m my editorial I will talk about why video games don’t make you lazy. Video games only make you fat if you are glued to the TV and do nothing but play video games all day. The issue that is a problem is that it has made many fat kids all over the world because they just play video games 27/7. Other people like parents and elders would think that video games make you lazy because you get addicted to them and don’t do anything else, except play video games.  It is important because a lot of people who are addicted to video games will always be late for there job and miss out on real life expierences.                                                    

Friday, September 10, 2010



Conglomerate-anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements.
the tv add has alot of conglorate

Demographica- single vital or social statistic of a human population, as the number of births or deaths.
every thing on tv has alot of Demographica.

Early Adopter-one of the first people or organizations to make use of a new technology.
bill gates was a early adopter of  microsoft.

Coolhunting- companies looking for things that will sell as cool.
the shoe company nike are looking for peoples opinions as what is cool.

The paradox of Coolhunting-oposite of cooling hunting.
the company was lookiung for dumb stuff.

Synergy-the cooperative action of two or more muscles, nerves, or the like.
 the boy had a synergy hockey stick.

Horizontal Integration.
hot dog vender expands to hamburgers.

Ancillary Markets

The feedback loop

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

what does sony own

sony owns

vaio (computers)
sony computer entertainment
Columbia Pictures
Screen Gems
TriStar Pictures Marquees
lcd tvs
xplod amps
xplod subs
xplods decks